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#1 Tip When Selling Your Business

This is how you sell your business for the most money.

As a business owner, you may eventually want to cash out and sell your business. When that time comes, the goal is to sell it for as much as you can. One tip to get the maximum amount of value out of your business is to set it up to not need you. That means it needs to be able to run without you being there. If you're involved in every single aspect of the business, it won't be desirable for someone to buy it.

To sell your business for the highest possible amount, you'll likely need to attract investors. They're looking for cash flow opportunities, so they want to buy a business that runs itself and earns money continuously. They may need to check in on the business from time to time, but they don't want to be there 40, 50, or 60 hours a week. They're not buying a job; they're buying a cash-flowing business.

From the start, you'll need to be involved in many aspects of the business. However, over time, you'll need to hire people to take over tasks and set up systems so that the business can run without your input. This way, when you're ready to sell, your business becomes much more attractive to potential buyers. I made the mistake of not doing this, and now I'm only just starting to set my business up to run without me. If I don't get it together soon, I'll have to sell off equipment piecemeal.

To summarize, investors are the ones who buy businesses for a lot of money, but they're only interested in buying businesses that don't need them there every single moment of every single day. They're investing for cash flow opportunities. Therefore, it's crucial to set up your business to run without you as much as possible. Doing so will make it much more attractive to investors and help you sell your business for the maximum amount of value possible.

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